Ja i moj...zivot

07.05.2007., ponedjeljak

The return of the poet

Prva prava ljubav

Dan za danom
Ona me izbjegava,
Ranu za ranom
Ona mi otvara.
To cijelo vrijeme
Emocionalno nosim breme.
A ona je...

Vuče me za nos,
Udara mi ponos.
Kao da je luda,
Okreće se posvuda.
Viče na mene,
Iako ne voli promjene.
Ćud je gadna stvar...
- 21:49 - Iskreno... (2) - Trosi boju na gluposti - #

22.11.2006., srijeda

Sad or happy, I feel kinda crappy...

Black wedding

Wedding with eternity,
All the people do.
The first thing after death
Is the black wedding.

As the bullets rip the air,
The black wedding starts.
Heroes go down under
And never will they come back.

As the tears fall down,
Seems to be a rain of pain.
As the shovels start digging
People fall on their knees.

Now the heroes
Can finally rest in peace.
Now the heroes
Can enjoy the eternal life.

It is their funeral,
It is their black wedding.

Fallen angel

The fallen angel
Has made only one sin,
And the fallen angel
Has been punished for it.

The fallen angel
Has lost both of its wings,
And the fallen angel
Has been thrown out of heaven.

The fallen angel
Has fallen into love,
And the fallen angel
Has been loved by that woman.

The fallen angel
Has loved that woman very much,
And the fallen angel
Has been betrayed by life.

Now, it has been a while
Since the fallen angel
Has turned into ashes
And since the fallen angel
Has finally disappeared.
And now the fallen angel
Has faced its worst fear,
The eternal pain.

Sjećam se

Sjećam se,
Kao da jučer je bilo.
Sjećam se,
Kao da mi se to maloprije zbilo.

Sjećam se,
Da nekad sviđala si mi se jako.
Sjećam se sada toga
Jer to sada opet osjećam.

I sada je to sjećanje
Pretvorenu u stvarnost,
I sada je to sjećanje
Opet dio mene.

I sada mi se sviđaš
Još više nego prije,
I sada se više sjećati ne moram
Jer mi se sada opet sviđaš.

Sjećam se,
I nije mi žao
Što stalno mislim na tebe,
I što misli od tebe odvojiti ne mogu.

Sjećam se,
Iako davno je to bilo,
I iako zaboravih te prije,
Ovaj put te zaboraviti neću,
Jer ti si posebna,
Jer ti sviđaš mi se jako.

Svaki put kad Joj čujem glas
Srce mi se ugrije
I krv mi počinje kipiti.

Svaki put kad Ju vidim
Oči mi se zazrcale
Odrazujući njenu ljepotu.

Svaki put kad prođe kraj mene
Počnem se polako topiti
Kao led na tračku svjetla.

Ona meni znači sve
Kao što biljkama znači Sunce.
Ona je meni duga
Kad vrijeme je tmurno,
Kad kiša pada.

Iako Ona to za mene vjerojatno ne osjeća,
Ona je meni sve,
Iako kraj mene nije

Sviđaš mi se

Sviđaš mi se, jako,
Ali reći ti to ne smijem,
Jer ne znam kako bi reagirala,
Jer ne znam što bi rekla.

Sviđaš mi se, sve više,
U snu sam nas zajedno vidio,
Ali samo san i želja to ostati će,
Jer prijateljstvo naše uništiti ne želim.

Sviđaš mi se, previše,
To postaje prejako,
Ali reći ti to neću
Jer bojim se da to obostrano nije.

Sviđaš mi se, postajem lud,
Misli od tebe odvratiti ne mogu,
Želio bih da to znaš,
Ali prijateljstvo dobro uništiti mogao bih.

Sviđaš mi se, gubim riječi,
Kad vidim te, Riječi bez ostanem,
S tobom kad pričam,
Vrijeme stane, samo ti postojiš.

Sviđaš mi se, možda i nažalost,
Jer osjećaj imam,
Da samo prijatelji ostati ćemo,
Da samo san neostvaren bit će to.

Sviđaš mi se, opisati te ne mogu,
Jer za tvoju ljepotu riječi ne postoje,
Jer tvoja ljepota riječima opisati se ne može,
Ljepota kojoj sve cure zavide.

Sviđaš mi se, a možda i više,
Sviđaš mi se od svih cura najviše,
Sviđaš mi se toliko da sam lud za tobom,
Sviđaš mi se, samo to htjedoh reći.

Ove tri zadnje pjesme imaju i posvetu, samo ne smijem reći kome...to ostaje tajna...iako dve osobe, uz mene, znaju kome su posvećene pjesme...
- 10:09 - Iskreno... (22) - Trosi boju na gluposti - #

16.11.2006., četvrtak

Without a poseban title


As the blood running through my vein,

I'm looking at myself, i feel insane.

I can't feel sadness, I don't feel pain,

I'm telling myself, I'm so insasne.

I can't think, I feel melting in my brain,

Now I'm sure of it, I'm insane.

As I look at myself, I am running,

As I hurt myself, I am running,

As the blood rushes, I am running.

I don't feel the pain,

I can just say I am insane.

As I think over and turn,

In my vein,

I can feel the blood burn,

I am insane.

I think there's nothing else to say,

Now I can only knee down and pray.

And all of that I imagine

Because I am insane.


I don't know who I am.

I don't know where I am.

I don't know what's the date.

I know nothing, I have amnesia.

But still, I'm sitting here and writting,

Like i know what has happened.

And now I'm thinking what else to say.

And now I'm pretendinh like I know nothing.

But I do know what happened,

And I do know who I am,

But I do want not to remember,

And I do want all of that to forget.

Unknown pain

The mighty feeling of love

Makes people feel invulnerable.

The mighty feeling of love

Makes me feel terrible pain.

The pain only I can feel,

The pain I must live with.

Every time I fall in love,

I only bring pain to both of us.

I'm cursed not to love anyone

Unless I want to suffer.

The unknown pain

Lying in my heart,

Just waiting untill

I fall in love,

So it can hurt me hard

In the middle of my heart,

Where all my feeling are gathered up

To kill them, to make me suffer.

Just another day

As the pain rises again,

It's just another day,

Another disapointment,

Just another, paintful, day.

As the voices rise loudly,

It's just another day,

Another headacke,

Just another, loud, day.

As I begin walking,

It's just another day,

Another morning,

Just another, hard, day.

As if I ca hear her crying,

It's just another day,

Another heartbreak,

Just another, horrible, day.

And as the Sun finally goes down,

It's the end of just another day,

Another day is coming,

Just another, black, day.

- 11:17 - Iskreno... (0) - Trosi boju na gluposti - #

01.11.2006., srijeda

Cold like steel

Pound, pound

So the mighty heart pounds.

Bump, bump

So the mighty heart bumps

Cold like steel

So the mighty heart stops.

And never again will it pound,

And never again will it bump,

And forever again will it be cold.

Like cold steel that takes lives,

It took all my emotions away.

Now I'm blue-blooded,

Cold as my heart.

As if all the pain

Tore it apart.

And now I just pray,

I pray the whole day

That my heart will wake up

So that once more I can feel again.

For love, there is no room,

In my empty, cold-blooded heart.

Now my life is dark

There is no light,

Like a deep cave

I lost myself in.


I just try to go,

But i just can't do it,

Continue going on,

Knowing what I did.

I can't go on,

I've hurt her badly.

I just can't stand

All the pain in my heart.

Knowing the pain

Will never disapear

I must live with it

Like a dagger in my heart,

Making it bleed

In terrible pain,

Making me suffer

But not letting me die.


Samoća je svačiji najbolji prijatelj.

Samoća uvijek u nevolji pomaže.

Kad si sam, nikoga povrijediti ne možeš.

Kad se želiš odvojiti, za pomoć tražiš samoću.

Samoća je razlog

Zašto ljudi povučeni su.

Sam se osjećaš

Kada povrijeđen si, napušten.

Ako si sam,

Bol ti nanijeti nitko ne može.

Ali samoća nikada

Rješenje problema nije.

Taj osjećaj samoće

Ljudima ćesto treba,

Da se povuku u sebe

Da odvoje se od svega.

Taj osjećaj samoće

Nikome nije stran

Jer svatko je barem jednom

Bio sam.

- 15:29 - Iskreno... (3) - Trosi boju na gluposti - #

24.10.2006., utorak


People kill each other
Without a regret.
Brother or not,
The enemy must fall.

Rifles shooting
People dying,
No one cares
A woman's crying.

Children alone
Without their fathers
Growing up,
It's too damn tough.

War only brings
Hunger, sadness,
It drives people
Into madness

Why do wars
Even start
When they bring
So much pain.

Pjesma je posvećena svim braniocima u Oluji.
- 21:31 - Iskreno... (3) - Trosi boju na gluposti - #

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Pa...uzivajte i...cyaz...

Eto malo o meni...

-nogomet-uglavnom zbog rekreacije
-pricati opcenito
-dobar provod
-chatati sa frendovima i frendicama
-dobre viceve
-dobre filmove
-davati savjete
-biti u centru paznje-iako ne uvijek
-ljubiti se
-pisati pjesme
-kartat belu

Ne volim:
-povrsne ljude
-tracere-samo one koji pricaju lazi
-velike vrucine
-usamljenost-iako katkad dobro dodje
-strebere-njih nitko ne voli

A sad...ja:
-smedja kosa
-imam svoj stil oblacenja-unikatan je

Ljubav je ljepota,
Zaljubljen biti
Nije grehota.
Ona nas kiti
U sjaju sunca
I odrastao čovjek
Ponekad bunca.